

Transparent Disclosure for Informed Stakeholders

ESG and Climate Governance

Committed to building a robust sustainability strategy amid regulatory changes

Parex remains committed to taking actions that reduce our impact on the environment and will continue to undertake activities in communities near our operations in support of this goal. 

In June 2024, the Canadian Government passed amendments to the Canadian Competition Act, which has created significant uncertainty for how companies with environmental targets can publicly communicate their progress. Until more clarity is provided by the Canadian Competition Bureau about how the new law will be interpreted and enforced, we have decided to restrict public access to our environmental-related communications at this time.

External Assurance

2023 GHG Emissions

The 2023 GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2 & 3) were verified by PwC to a reasonable assurance level in accordance with:

  • The International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3410
  • Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements (“ISAE 3410”)