VIM-1 Development


Environmental Impact Assessment

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the basic instrument for decision-making on projects, works or activities requiring an environmental license. This assessment shall be conducted according to the General Methodology for Preparing and Presenting Environmental Assessments and the terms of reference issued for such purpose article, and include at least the items listed in of Decree 1076 of 2015

Environmental License

Authorization granted by the relevant environmental authority for the execution of a project, work or activity which, according to the law and regulations, may cause serious deterioration to renewable natural resources or to the environment, or introduce considerable or notorious modifications to the landscape; which submits its beneficiary to compliance with the requirements, terms, conditions and obligations established thereby regarding prevention, mitigation, correction, compensation and management of the environmental effects of the authorized project, work or activity. The environmental license will imply all the permits, authorizations and/or concessions for the use, exploitation and/or . (Decree 1076 of 2015).

Location – Georeferencing

The location or geographic location is any form of localization in a geographical context. Below, you may graphically know the location and georeferencing of the block authorized by the environmental authority for the performance of the Company’s activities in each one of our projects.